Tips For Accepting the Body You Are In

Tips For Accepting the Body You Are In

We all know that our bodies have changed which can be difficult to accept even for the strongest-minded person. Here are some tips to help you manage your life and gain acceptance of your new body as an Ostomate:

  1. Support groups. From in person to online, it has never been easier to connect with communities to share experiences, challenges, and successes. You can find a local ostomy support group by visiting or, head on over to Facebook to search for an online group.
  2. Educate Yourself: YouTube, podcasts and other online resources are another example of the amount of knowledge that is available at your fingertips. Learn more about ostomies to feel in control and less fearful of the unknown.
  3. Therapy: Depending where you are in your stage of ostomy life, consulting with a therapist who specializes in body image or chronic illness may be an option.
  4. Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and self-encouragement.
  5. Stay Active: Engage in physical activities to improve mood and body image.
  6. Goal setting: Set realistic goals. Be prepared for setbacks, but know you are growing and learning in your ostomy journey.
  7. Visualization: Start using visualization techniques where you imagine feeling confident and at peace with your body.
  8. Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness practices or meditation can help you connect with your body in a positive and compassionate way. Youtube is a great library of content available to help you with this.
  9. Creative Expression: Express your feelings through art, writing, dance or other creative outlets to process your emotions constructively.
  10. Volunteer: Volunteering or mentoring new ostomy patients can foster a sense of purpose and positivity.


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